About Us

Move-Aid is here to provide a road map to success. A full-service total move management service for your next move. Our background is based locally in the household goods moving and storage industry, as well as project management. Having helped over 7,000 household goods move clients, it became evident that consumers needed a streamlined, thorough overview of what to expect before they embarked on their relocation.

Our process begins with a comprehensive in-home consultation. This allows us to clearly understand the client’s needs and provide an informative and solution-based overview of what to expect throughout the relocation process. We emphasize identifying needs upfront and providing tailored solutions aimed at saving you time, energy, and resources. We genuinely strive to become your first line of defense in reducing unnecessary stress by providing valuable industry-specific insights, recommendations, expert service, partner referrals, estimated costs for services, and additional resources aimed at ensuring your transition is as seamless as possible.

Once our in-home consultation is complete, you will have the confidence to take on managing your transition! Move-Aid will be available to assist step-by-step with any component of the process. If a full-service total move management solution is what you need, we have you covered and can make this one of the best moves you’ve ever made!

Move-Aid’s mission is to provide education and guidance, please feel free to reach out to us if you would like to learn more about our process and fees.